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Rod Hickman Announces Run For MS Senate

Updated: Jul 20, 2021

I'm excited to take the first step to a better District 32 and a better Mississippi. Together, we can reimagine Mississippi!

I want to start this announcement by thanking Senator Sampson Jackson for 29 years of exceptional service to the citizens of District 32, the State of Mississippi, and to me personally as a life-long resident of District 32.

“After much prayer and speaking with my family, spiritual leaders, law partner, mentors, close friends, and my full support system, I am excited to announce my intent to run for Senate District 32. ”

After much prayer and speaking with my family, spiritual leaders, law partner, mentors, close friends, and my full support system, I am excited to announce my intent to run for Senate District 32.

Now more than ever, the people of District 32 need a strong voice in Jackson that will fight for our fair share of the pie and who will imagine a stronger, better Mississippi!

Moreover, we need a voice that will fight for the full funding of our educational system-including a teacher pay raise , expand access to quality healthcare and Medicaid, and work to fix our roads and bridges.

We need a voice that will advocate and take the issues affecting everyday working men and women to Jackson. We need a leader that will reimagine the endless possibilities for the Citizens of District 32. I'm joining this race because I believe we have an opportunity before us to reimagine Mississippi!

So, I solicit your prayers, support, time, and talents in this endeavor. I'm excited to take the first step to a better District 32 and a better Mississippi. Together, we can reimagine Mississippi!

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1 commentaire

23 juil. 2021

Greetings, District 32!

As a fellow Mississippian, I've witnessed our common struggles and collective strength. Now is the time to keep our great state moving forward with passing the baton to new leaders with new ideas. Rod is a leader that emulates compassion and integrity. He will bring the needs of this district to the chambers of our state Capitol along with solutions to put forth. Please support his bid to become the next senator for District 32. Remember a stronger community is a stronger Mississippi!

Tammy Hughes

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